19 research outputs found

    Organizational Justice Perception of Work Performance and Relationship of Work Performance with the Organizational Opposition Level: A Study on Physical Education and Sports Teachers (Istanbul Province Example

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    The aim of this study is to examine the relationship between the job performance of physical education and sports teachers and their level of organizational justice and opposition. The study group was composed of 575 physical education and teachers of sports who were selected by the simple random method among individuals who worked as physical education and sports teachers in the state schools affiliated to the Istanbul Provincial Directorate of National Education in the 2019-2020 academic year. Data collection methods and tools used in this research; personal information sheet, job performance, organizational justice and organizational opposition scales were implemented. The obtained data were recorded with IBM SPSS 22.0 (version) package program and the all analyzes were accomplished with this statistics program. Descriptive information, subtitles and total scores of the scales were given by determining the frequency (f) and percentage (%) values. Correlation analysis was used as a statistical procedure. As a result, while there was no correlation between physical education and teachers of sport job performance and procedural justice, one of the subtitles of perception of justice, a low level of negative correlation was found between interaction, distributive justice and attitude towards organizational justice total score. Again, no relationship was found between job performance and the total score of vertical and horizontal opposition and organizational opposition which are sub-headings of organizational opposition. This may be due to the fact that administrators do not adequately reward the job performances of physical education and sports teachers due to increasing interest of managers towards teachers who conduct lessons for exams important in terms of students. In addition, it is thought to be caused that physical education and sports teachers do not have any difficulties in expressing themselves due to both their professional competencies and their self-expression and high communication skills that physical education and sports bring them


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    Background/Objective: The purpose of this study is to examine the managerial effectiveness levels of the academicians who work in the sports science faculty and School of Physical Education and Sports.Methods: In the study, a descriptive scanning method aimed at revealing the current situation has been used. For the purposes of this study, the academicians population of Turkey in the research universities working in sports science and sports colleges with the faculty of physical education, from which a sample is chosen, which is determined by simple random sampling method, which consists of volunteer academicians (n=178) working at the faculties of sport sciences and school of physical education and sports of universities such as Erciyes, Selçuk, Ömer Halisdemir, Gaziantep, Dumlupınar, Uşak, Karamanoğlu Mehmet Bey, Fırat, Süleyman Demirel, Sakarya, Balıkesir, Gelişim, Esenyurt, Muğla Sıtkı Koçman ve Bingöl universities. A managerial efficacy scale developed by Murry (1993) and implemented in the Turkish version by İra and Şahin (2010) was used to measure managerial effectiveness. The obtained data was recorded with the package program "IBM SPSS 22". Kruskal Wallis analysis was applied as statistical process.Results: The level of managerial effectiveness of academicians is moderate and advanced, the level of managerial effectiveness is related to age, department, title and professional experience, and also there is a relation between the progress of age, title and professional experience of academicians and the development of managerial effectiveness. It can be assumed that this situation originated from the situations such as the maturity of academicians' knowledge and experience, efforts to improve their skills, the adoption of the management concept of modern life, self-evaluation and autonomy as well as being able to adapt to scientific, cultural and social changes. The development of managerial effectiveness perceptions and managerial skills of young academics can be supported by managerial development seminars. Determining the managerial perceptions of the faculty members who work in different faculties and higher schools may contribute to the updating of the managerial perspective.  Article visualizations


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    The aim of this study is to examine the correlation between the future perceptions of the students of the sports management department and their time management behavior. For this purpose, Gazi, Selçuk, Muğla and Fırat University Sports Sciences Faculty, Sports Management students (n = 770) participated in the questionnaire voluntarily. The socio-demographic information form of the volunteers was applied to the future time perception scale developed by Husman and Shell (1996) and the Time Management Behavior Scale developed by Britton and Tesser (1991). The obtained data was recorded with the package program "IBM SPSS 22". Mann Whitney U, Kruskal Wallis, Spearman Correlation Analysis for the Correlation between future time sense and time management behavior were applied as a statistical process. As a result, there was a significant Correlation between gender, university and class, time management behaviors, gender, university and class variables. Furthermore, a too weak Correlation was found between the future time sense and the time management behavior on the positive side. This may be due to the students' personal development, social circles, socioeconomic status difference and the missions and visions of the students differ.  Article visualizations


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    Besides supposing that the anxiety levels of the athletes have an impact on their performance it is also important to know the level of this impact. In this study it was aimed to investigate the relationship between the anxiety level and the sporting performance especially the reaction time which is the determinant of the speed requiring sudden movements. The study included 60 university students who participated voluntarily, were actively engaged in sports and were living in Esenyurt district of Istanbul. The average age of the participants was 20,68±2,33, their average height was 179,05±6,43cm, their average body weight was 75,55±9,32 kg and their average sport age was 6,31±3,23years. The State and Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI) was used in the study in order to determinate and measure the state and trait anxiety levels of participants. The State and Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI) was developed by Spielberger and his colleagues in 1970 and its reliability and validity study was carried out by Öner and La Compte by translating it into Turkish in 1983. The analyses of the obtained data were carried out with the SPSS Statistic 17.0 package program. The measurement results were given as mean (x) and as standard deviation (SD). Correlation and regression analysis were applied for the statistical evaluation of the data.  In the conducted study the state anxiety level of the athletes was detected to be  29,62±4,46 points, their trait anxiety level was 32,12±6,39 while their double hand reaction time was found to be 0,23±0,02 sec. A positive low level relationship was detected between the trait anxiety levels and the double hand reaction times of the athletes (r=,279,p<,05) while a positive and moderate level relationship was observed between the state anxiety level and the state anxiety level (r=,311, p<,016). Due to the fact that this research is a preliminary study done in the field of sport science, this study is considered to contribute to other studies planned to be done in the future. As a result, it was detected that with the increase in the anxiety level the response time given to an effect from any external factors lengthened. The fact that there was a low level positive relationship with the trait anxiety level revealed the conclusion that with the increase in the trait anxiety level, the reaction time also increases.  Article visualizations

    Examination of future time perception levels and time management behaviours of the students in the Faculties of Sports Sciences by certain variablesSpor Bilimleri Fakültesinde öğrenim gören öğrencilerin gelecek zaman algı düzeyleri ile zaman yönetimi davranışlarının bazı değişkenlere göre değerlendirilmesi

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    The aim of this study is to examine the future time perception levels and time management behaviours of students studying in the Faculties of Sports Sciences in accordance with certain variables. In line with this aim, students (n=747) of the departments of Sport Management, Coaching Training, Physical Education and Sports Teaching and Recreation Expertise in Gazi, Selçuk and Muğla Universities participated voluntarily in the study. Socio-demographic information form, Future Time Perspective Scale developed by Husman and Shell (1996) and Time Management Behaviour Scale developed by Britton and Tesser (1991) were applied on the participants. The data obtained from these tools were recorded through the package program called “IBM SPSS 22”. For the statistical analyses, Independent Sample t test was used for comparison by sexes while One Way Anova Test was used for comparisons by age, university and department.As a conclusion, it was determined that future time perception is related to the variable of department while time management behaviour is associated with the variables of sex, age, university and department. This finding is thought to result from the self-realization levels of the students studying in the faculties of sport sciences, differences in theory and practice courses they receive, commitment of the students to their responsibilities, sociological structure of the internal and external environments in which the students live and the differences in the opportunities that the students encounter. ÖzetBu çalışmanın amacı, Spor Bilimleri Fakültelerinde öğrenim gören öğrencilerin gelecek zaman algı düzeyleri ile zaman yönetimi davranışlarının bazı değişkenlere göre incelenmesidir. Bu amaç doğrultusunda Gazi, Selçuk ve Muğla Üniversitelerinde yer alan Spor Bilimleri Fakülteleri içerindeki, Spor Yöneticiliği, Antrenörlük Eğitimi,  Beden Eğitimi ve Spor Öğretmenliği ve Rekreasyon Uzmanlığı bölümlerinde öğrenim gören öğrenciler (n=747) gönüllü olarak katılmıştır. Katılımcılara sosyo-demografik bilgi formu, Husman ve Shell (1996) tarafından geliştirilen Gelecek Zaman Algısı Ölçeği ve Britton ve Tesser (1991) tarafından geliştirilen Zaman Yönetimi Davranışı Ölçeği uygulanmıştır. Elde edilen veriler "IBM SPSS 22" adlı paket program ile kayıt edilmiştir. İstatistikî işlem olarak cinsiyetlerine göre karşılaştırmada Bağımsız Örneklem t testi, yaş, üniversite ve bölümlere göre karşılaştırmada ise Oneway Anova Test istatistiği uygulanmıştır.Sonuç olarak: Gelecek zaman algısının bölüm değişkeni ile zaman yönetimi davranışının ise cinsiyet, yaş, üniversite ve bölüm değişkenleri ile ilişkili olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Bu durumun Spor Bilimleri Fakülteleri'nde öğrenim gören öğrencilerin kendilerini gerçekleştirme düzeyleri, almış oldukları teorik ve uygulama derslerinin farklılığı, öğrencilerin sorumluluklarına olan bağlılığı, yaşanılan iç ve dış çevreninin sosyolojik yapısı ve karşılaşılan fırsatların farklılığından kaynaklandığı düşünülmektedir


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    The aim of this research is to examine the relationship between organizational creativity levels and problem-solving abilities of senior and mid-level sports managers working in Istanbul Sports Activities and Business Trading Corporation. Relational screening model which is used to determine the relationship between variables is applied. In the direction of the aim of the research, target population of the study is composed of senior and mid-level managers working in İstanbul Sports Activities and Business Trading Corporation; the sample designed by simple random sampling method is composed of volunteer sports managers (n=98). Personal information form, organizational creativity scale and “Problem Solving Inventory” designed by Heppner and Petersen (1982), adapted to Turkish by Şahin and Heppner (1993) are applied to participants. The obtain data are recorded by "IBM SPSS 22" packaged software. As statistical processing, Pearson correlation analysis and regression analysis are used. As a result, it is determined that the organizational creativity of the sport managers is at a high level, problem solving abilities are inadequate, and there is a negative relationship between organizational creativity levels and problem-solving abilities, and organizational creativity level predicts problem solving abilities.  Article visualizations

    A relação entre a percepção de apoio organizacional e as habilidades de comunicação de funcionários da empresa de serviços esportivos

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    The aim of this study is to evaluate the relationship between the perception of organizational support and communication skills of sports service business employees. The study group of the research consists of volunteer individuals working (n = 274) working in private sports enterprises (manager, coordinator, trainer / trainer) in Istanbul Province. The data were collected online by using the questionnaire technique. Organizational support scale and communication skill scale, perceived as data collection tools, were used. Correlation and regression analysis were used as statistical process. As a result, it is seen that the employees of the sports service business have moderate executive support and also show a good communication skills. While there was a weak, medium, and high positive relationship between the perception of organizational support and communication skills, it was determined that perceived organizational support was a predictor of communication skill.El objetivo de este estudio es evaluar la relación entre la percepción de apoyo organizacional y las habilidades comunicativas de los empleados de empresas de servicios deportivos. El grupo de estudio de la investigación; Consiste en personas voluntarias que trabajan (n = 274) que trabajan en empresas deportivas privadas (director, coordinador, formador / formador) en la provincia de Estambul. Los datos se recopilaron en línea mediante la técnica del cuestionario. Se utilizaron la escala de apoyo organizacional y la escala de habilidades comunicativas, percibidas como herramientas de recolección de datos. Se utilizaron análisis de correlación y regresión como proceso estadístico. Como resultado, se ve que los empleados del negocio de servicios deportivos tienen un apoyo ejecutivo moderado y también muestran una buena capacidad de comunicación. Si bien hubo una relación positiva débil, media y alta entre la percepción de apoyo organizacional y las habilidades comunicativas, se determinó que el apoyo organizacional percibido fue un predictor de la habilidad comunicativa.O objetivo deste estudo é avaliar a relação entre a percepção do apoio organizacional e as habilidades de comunicação dos funcionários de empresas de serviços esportivos. O grupo de estudo da pesquisa consiste em indivíduos voluntários trabalhando (n = 274) em empresas esportivas privadas (gerente, coordenador, treinador / treinador) na província de Istambul. Os dados foram coletados via internet, utilizando a técnica do questionário. Foram utilizadas a escala de apoio organizacional e a escala de habilidade de comunicação, vistas como ferramentas de coleta de dados. A correlação e a análise de regressão foram utilizadas como processo estatístico. Como resultado, constata-se que os funcionários da empresa de serviços esportivos têm um apoio executivo moderado e demonstram uma boa capacidade de comunicação. Embora houvesse uma relação fraca, média e alta positiva entre a percepção do apoio organizacional e as habilidades de comunicação, foi determinado que a percepção do apoio organizacional era um preditor da habilidade de comunicação


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    The aim of this study is to analyze the relationship of the organizational identification level and the organizational creativity perception level of the personnel of Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality Istanbul Sports Events and Trade Management Incorporated Company (Sport Istanbul). In line with the aim of the study, the personnel of Sport Istanbul has constituted the population of the study, and volunteer participants determined by simple random sampling method (n=285) have constituted the sample of the same. Survey method has been applied as the data collection tool. The participants have been applied a personal information form; the organizational identification scale developed by Ashforth (1992), Turkish transcription and validity and reliability study of which have been carried out by Polat (2009) and the organizational creativity scale developed by Balay (2010). Data obtained have been recorded by the package software "IBM SPSS 22". Spearman Correlation and Regression Analysis has been applied as the statistical process. In conclusion, it has been found that the organizational identification and organizational creativity perceptions of the personnel of Sport Istanbul are at a good level, there is a moderate positive relationship between the organizational identification level and the organizational creativity perception level, and that the organizational identification affects the organizational creativity perception level positively. It may be thought that such situation results from personnel selection methods of the institution; adoption of the organizational vision and mission by the personnel; selection of personnel suitable for related job descriptions; utilization of the personnel’s capability, thoughts and characteristics, and the personnel’s being in touch with managers in production of sport service.  Article visualizations

    Relationship Between Intrapreneurship and Customer Driven Behaviors (Case of Sports Istanbul)

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    The aim of this study is to evaluate the relationship between the intrapreneurship and customer driven behaviors of the sports organization personnel. For this purpose, 1789 personnel working in Istanbul Sports Activities and Management Trade Incorporated Company, which serves within Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality have composed the population of the study and the sample is composed of 360 volunteer participants determined by simple random sampling method. The study was performed by scanning method (relational model) and the data was collected by survey method. The personal information form, the internal entrepreneurship scale, and the customer-oriented behavior scale were administered to the participants. The obtained data were analyzed using SPSS 24 software package program. Correlation and regression analysis were used as statistical methods. As a result, it is determined that there is a significant relationship between intrapreneurship and customer-driven behaviors and that intrapreneurship behavior has a decisive effect on the level of customer-driven behavior. Findings indicate that sub-dimensions of intrapreneurship have a certain degree of impact on the sub-dimensions of customer-driven behavior

    The Relationship between Emotional Labor in Sports Organization and the Level of Loneliness in Organizational Life

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    The aim of this study is to evaluate the relationship between emotional labor of sports business employees and loneliness levels in organizational life. For the purpose of the study, the universe of the research consists of sports service within the organization of Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality Sport İstanbul employees while the sample is created by volunteer participants who are identified through simple random sampling method (n = 330) In the study which is conducted by applying a relational screening model, the data were collected by using the survey method technique. Personal information form, emotional labor and loneliness scales in business life were applied to the participants. The data obtained were registered to the SPSS 25 package program. Correlation and regression analysis were applied as statistical process. As a result, it was determined that there is a moderate negative relationship between the emotional labor level of the employees of the sports organization and the level of loneliness in organizational life, emotional labor is the predictor of loneliness in organizational life and it explains approximately 21% of the total variance. As the level of meeting the business expectations of the employees in the service delivery increases in demand their experience of loneliness decreases in business life. Therefore, it is realized that emotional labor plays an important role in the level of loneliness in organizational life